Majestic views draw you toward them.
Landscapes that once looked upon, become fuzzy, an apt backdrop to communion with the almighty.
Time is taken loosening the earth to kneel upon.
The winds tend to you and encourage breath.
Your heart is drawn toward heaven, physically tilting the body to a position of humility and faith.
And on this tilled ground, heart toward heaven, lungs filled, eyes unfocused, you separate from the earth, and join heaven for a moment.

Xander has a strong tendency to wander. To start a small adventure, get curious, get lost, and make his way back satiated. He accesses nature through mountain biking and rock climbing. After spending maybe too much time meditating, he can no longer kill the mosquitos that bite him, rather brushing them off and wishing them well with someone else. He supports people attempting to make better lives for themselves through work as an advocate for people who’ve suffered domestic violence, and as a mentor, and as a wilderness therapy guide.