You don’t want to miss out on this special symposium presented by the Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance. Below is the official announcement from their board. Please register here (it’s free).

Faith is Action

We are excited to announce our upcoming symposium “Faith Is Action : Stewardship and the Climate Crisis.”

Save the date of September 26, 2020, from 9:00 AM until early afternoon. The event will be entirely online, so you can participate from the comfort of your home or outside in your favorite wild place.

This event has been months in the making, and we hope you will love the program we’ve put together. We can’t wait to announce the lineup of participants — people you know who are working at the front lines of national climate change policy in the U.S., together with Latter-day Saint scientists, educators, journalists, advocates and others — who will guide us and help us explore this subject from the perspectives of science, ethics and faith.

Faith is not an idle word, and we hope our theme of #FaithIsAction will inspire and equip you to become a better and stronger advocate for climate solutions in your home, your ward, your city and country.

President Gordon B. Hinckley asked us to, “stand strong, even to become a leader in speaking up in behalf of those causes which make our civilization shine and which give comfort and peace to our lives. You can be a leader. You must be a leader.”

Speakers include Representative Ben McAdams (UT-4), Representative John Curtis (UT-3), and Erica Evans, InDepth reporter on climate, environment and social issues at the Deseret News. Other presenters include Latter-day Saint scientists, educators, advocates and others — individuals who are working at the front lines of climate solutions and action internationally and locally — who will guide our discussion and help us explore this subject from the perspectives of faith, science, ethics and public policy.

The symposium is presented by Latter-day Saints, for Latter-day Saints, people of all faiths, and friends and allies who share concern for the state of unbridled environmental degradation and our warming planet. We believe important solutions can come from a place of shared stewardship for our earth and for each other.

The symposium is free to attend, though your tax-deductible donation to MESA through our website is welcomed, and supports this and other ongoing programs and initiatives. Registration is required to participate. Please use this EventBrite link to sign up. From there you can access the event page with more information and details about the program.

Join us! And please share this invitation with others among your family, friends, wards and branches, community, and neighborhood.

The MESA Board,

Marc Coles-Ritchie (Chair)
Rachael Lauritzen (Vice Chair)
Hannah Barton (Secretary)
Soren Simonsen (Treasurer)
Ben Abbott, PhD
Kent Udell, PhD
Stephen Glines
Ty Markham, PsyD

faith is action


Equal parts hippie-mystic, gastronomist, and comic-book nerd, Madison is not your average Mormon. By day he works to protect Utah's wildlands with Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. And by night he cooks, reads, and otherwise lives a pretty normal life. Madison takes great pride in being his niece’s and nephew’s favorite uncle, his three sister’s favorite brother, and his parent's favorite son (he has no brothers to compete with).